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Image by Jocelyn Morales


What is Nano Needling?

Nanoneedling is an advanced skin treatment technique that involves the controlled puncturing of the skin to promote skin cell turnover while boosting the absorption of skincare products. 


By creating pathways for deeper skin penetration, it acts as a transdermal delivery system that increases the effectiveness of skincare formulas. This cutting-edge technology has found particular use in the creation of multi-compound facials.


One key difference between nanoneedling and microneedling is the use of needles. While microneedling does involve actual needles to create micro-injuries in the skin, nanoneedling uses an 80-silicon-pyramid tip that does not cause damage. The pyramid-like pins on the tip have a diameter smaller than a strand of hair, promoting exfoliation and allowing for deeper penetration of skincare products into the skin.


An accumulation of dead skin cells on the surface of your skin can prematurely age your appearance and hinder the benefits of skincare products. By acting as a barrier, these skin cells prevent deep penetration of the products. However, utilizing "Nano Needling" to exfoliate these dead skin cells away can leave your skin looking smoother and healthier.


How Does Nano Needling Work?


In contrast to microneedling which involves needles to create small injuries on the skin, nano needling features an 80-tip silicon tool with pyramid-like pins. Remarkably, these pins do not cause skin damage despite having a diameter that is tinier than a hair strand. This innovative technology actively supports exfoliation, and effective absorption of skincare products into the skin.


An electric handheld pen device, equipped with a nano needle tip, is used by the esthetician during the treatment. With gentle movements, the nano pins create channels that allow the treatment serums and nutrients to pass through the skin barrier, increasing the effectiveness by over 1000% relative to typical application.


While ideally, a series of 4 - 6 spaced treatments per week or two are recommended, you will see glowing skin as soon as after the first treatment. Nano Skin Refining is adaptable and can precision-tailor treatment regimen for all skin types and various conditions.

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